Conducting online workshops was not new to me when Corona changed our everyday life two month ago. But still I had to go through quite some changes and adapted all my courses to the new online environment. Going down this road I learned a lot about online workshops and working with a screen between you and your participants. Today I want to share my top 4 learnings with you:
1) Absolutely every topic can be realized online. Leadership, communication, stress resistance, change management, agile working and so on. Of course, these topics have to be completely rethought and reworked, but it never fails because of the topic, but if it does, it fails because of the methodical-didactical competence of the facilitator.
2 Good live online trainings are like an action movie. Something has to happen all the time.The attention span is simply lower and the „attention graber“ is only one click away. In this respect the content must not only be outstanding, but the method must also be maximally activating.
3. E-learning does not only mean holding workshops online.To build a sustainable e-learning journey, the first thought must be What do I really want to discuss when we meet in virtual classroom? Most trainers try to bring as much content of their face-to-face workshops as possible into the live online training. The question must rather be:What can I deliberately outsource asynchronously and what is really worth discussing?
4. Asynchronous elements are prepared by the participants (even in very busy industries like consulting or AI companies) when the benefit for the whole learning journey is clear. No benefit, no preparatory work, no foundation for the synchronous live session.
I am very pleased that my customers followed me on this journey so consistently and have given me such positive feedback on my online workshops:
Sebastian Pflügler ist Experte für New Work Soft Skills. Der Kommunikationswissenschaftler (M.A.) und Wirtschaftspsychologe (M.A.) aus München unterstützt Profit- und Non-Profit Organisationen dabei den Anforderungen der neuen Arbeitswelt gewachsen zu sein. Sei es durch eine neue Art der Kommunikation (New Era Communication), eine neue Art der Führung (New Work Leadership) oder durch eine gut ausgebildete Stressresistenz (Health @ Work).
New Work / E-Learning / Blended Learning / Onlinetraining / Onlinekurse / E-Training / zertifizierter Onlinetrainer